- spinach (raw, leafy)
- grape tomatoes
- chick peas (canned)
- soy beans (boiled)
- tofu (raw, marinated in ginger vinegar)
- red onions (raw)
- broccoli (par-boiled)
- light on the light red pepper dressing
ALMOST NINE DOLLARS for a salad with a total calorie content of 305??? Outrageous. And it's not like it's the MOST tasty salad ever. It's alright and it feeds the beast, but, really, $9???
6. I got an average of 4.5 hours of sleep each night. Not enough to qualify for my unscientific sleep study and not enough to function well for long. That will be my Sleep Hypothesis #2.
7. The Red Rocks workout is a KICK ASS workout. I burned 2200 calories in the 2.5 hour sweat-fest. Check it out: http://www.redrocksfitness.com/. Holy smokes! It's my new favorite workout. You get to workout in one of the most beautiful outdoor theaters in the world: stairs, stairs, and more stairs, 300 pushups, more dips than I could count, sit-ups with rocks in our hands, resistance bands leashed around our waists as we ran UP the stairs, all to some rocking music to keep us going....whew! SO MUCH FUN! If you are in CO, you should check this one out. And, the guy does it for FREE!!! Just show up and sweat. Oh, bring gloves. That was a lesson learned the hard way...
8. I like drinking with my hockey friends. GKL is my good, good, vodka friend. I love her. Five vodka crans and five shots (give or take a couple...I lost count) are too much in one night, though. I am too old for that, I think. If you do drink that much, make sure you drink an Emergen-C before you go to bed. (Put one in your wallet now so you're prepared the next time because most likely there will be a next time, sometime.) Helps with the morning after.
9. Know what else helps? An EYE OPENER at the RFL. Yummy bloody mary. Possibly the best I've ever had. Highly recommend it. (When you get the "EYE OPENER?" invite on your car the next morning, you accept. It's the polite thing to do.)

10. I like drinking at bars that remind me of MT. RFL could be on any street corner in any town in MT. Cozy. Friendly. No crazy yuppies. And CHEAP drinks! Ahhhhh....the taste of home....
11. If you do drink too much, make sure your good friends take your keys, take care of you and drive you to their house to sleep. Don't try to take their picture though, because you're probably too drunk to hold the camera steady. Thanks He(a)rds for taking good care of me!!!

This is GKL showing me her "juicer."
12. Coach is a lightweight. I edited the other terms used when he left early.
Innuendo from BOD at our hockey game tonight : "I don't know if he's hard but he is coming fast."