Wednesday, April 30, 2008
A quote for Wednesday:

Monday, April 28, 2008

"Can I tell you a secret? I'm gonna keep one."
Next time someone tells you Frank is in town, GO SEE HIM! You won't be sorry.

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Holy Sneak Shitballs!!!

Clearly, I was optimistic...I lined up in the 7:01-8:00 min/mi wave. I usually do this to get away from stroller-pushers and walkers. I guess I almost actually belong in this wave now. Tee hee.
Lessons Learned & Observations Made:
1. Great race that's about two miles from my house: can sleep later the morning of! Parking sucks, though. I just made it about five minutes before the horn because I had to park almost a mile away. At least I remembered where I parked the PudgeMobile after the race!
2. Very flat course with less than a mile on concrete: good for shins and arches.
3. Cereal and coffee two hours before, not a good choice. Didn't even go near a banana. Some lessons I learn the first go-round.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The race is not for the swift...
"Are you alright, Buddy?"
"I just need some alone time, Papa."
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Hump Day Wonders

Monday, April 7, 2008
Fish and Fetus

Sunday, April 6, 2008
Confusion and Morals

Moral dilemma. Moral imperative. What's the gold standard? Who's morals are we being judged against? If it's our own morals and we chose the path we think isn't immoral but it's immoral to others, how can it be deemed immoral? Who gets to judge? Just wondering.

A woman who just ordered a shot of tequila at a bar in Cherry Creek (Funny, it wasn

- "Just get in me and get it over with it."
On the bench at my last men's game:
- "B came but Will didn't." "I've heard that's a problem with Will!"
- "Boys, be harder on your sticks."
- "I couldn't get it up; too much rubber, not enough wood."
Coach: "I just can't get used to my knob."
Me: "Would some wax help?"
Coach: "Don't come on my face! Come across my face! So rude!"
Me: "Excuse me."
- Coach: "No way. I punch the clock, put my sack lunch on the nightstand and get ready for a full day's work. Sometimes I wear a scuba mask and fins."
- Me: "Wow. So much for research."
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Three to 13 Minutes
Let love endure, but keep sex short
by Megan K. Scott, AP
Maybe men had it right all along: It doesn't take long to satisfy a woman in bed.
A survey of sex therapists concluded the optimal amount of time for sexual intercourse was
three to 13 minutes. The findings, to be published in the May issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, strike at the notion that endurance is the key to a great sex life.
If that sounds like good news to you, don't cheer too loudly.
The time does not count foreplay, and the therapists did rate sexual intercourse that lasts from one to two minutes as "too short."
Researcher Eric Corty said he hoped to ease the minds of those who fret that "more of something good is better, and if you really want to satisfy your partner, you should last forever."
The questions were not gender-specific, Corty said. But he said prior research has shown that both men and women want foreplay and sexual intercourse to last longer.
Dr. Irwin Goldstein, editor of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, cited a four-week study of 1,500 couples in 2005 that found the median time for sexual intercourse was 7.3 minutes. Women were armed with stopwatches.
It's difficult for both older men and young men to make sexual intercourse last much longer, said Marianne Brandon, a clinical psychologist and director of Wellminds Wellbodies in Annapolis, MD.
"There are so many myths in our culture of what other people are doing sexually," Brandon said. "Most people's sex lives are not as exciting as other people think they are."
Fifty members of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research in the US and Canada were surveyed by Corty, an associate professor of psychology at Penn State Erie, and student Jenay Guardiani.
Thirty-four members, or 68 percent, responded, although some said the optimal time depended on the couple.
Corty said he hoped to give an idea of what therapists find to be normal and satisfactory among the couples they see.
"People who read this will say, 'I last five minutes or my partner lasts eight minutes,' and say, 'That's OK,'" he said. "They will relax a little bit."
I have questions.
- There's a Journal of Sexual Medicine??? How do you get a subscription to that?
- More isn't better??? Clearly this guy a.) doesn't have orgasms, b.) has never tried Turkish coffee and dark Swiss chocolate, c.) has no addictions, and/or d.) was born on a farm and is retarded.
- See? GKL, you had it right ALL along! Two minutes is just not enough! You didn't need a research study to tell you that!
- 1,500 couples signed up to have SEX for research? Why do I never see that add in the paper?
- Did they get paid for the research?
- Does that make them hookers?
- Does that make the researcher their P.I.M.P.?
- The women were "armed with stopwatches?" [Okay, hon, on your marks...get set...OH! FALSE START!!! Do over.] Did they have starter pistols, too? Maybe just those into S&M got those...
- "It's difficult for older and younger men to make it last much longer." So...we gals should just keep finding, what, 27-yr olds???? What's the magic age? 24? 29? 34? Is there a range to choose from?
- There's a "Society for Sex Therapy and Research?" Are they accepting new members? Where do they meet? Hourly motels? How long are their meetings? Between 3-13 minutes?
- "Most people's sex lives aren't as exciting as they brag about?" [Unless they are porn stars.] REALLY??? Brilliant. This guy is brilliant!
- Relax. Have sex. Take as long or as short as you like. Why not?
I leave you with these quotes, also quite delicious.
"You know how they say to never drink and drive? Well, never drink and bone."
"Oops. That's not your vagina. That's your asshole."
"…and then your Mommy said, "Just do it already!" which was very confusing to Daddy, so I took the most literal translation."
"Do you want to do it doggie style? You're not going to fuck me like a dog. It's doggie style. It's just the style. We don't have to go outside or anything."
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

- Waking up to a GIANT pot of brewed NM Pinon coffee
- Drinking all 48oz of #1---powered me through #s 3-39
- Skate for 4.5 hours, 1.5 hours of that on your very own private sheet of ice (I should just stop there because it couldn't possibly get any better than that!!!)
- Getting half an hour and a Sk8nSht comp'ed by rink guy because it's my Day! (Oh, that's almost as good as #3.)
- Laughing hysterically with teammates at 5:15AM lesson...KB going ass-first over the pads, into the net...
- All my fav songs played at the rink and volume at the max!
- No other coaches & students during my lesson. (Very close to being as good as #3.)
- Fruit basket from my mama (I knew I should have stopped with #3!)
- Fruit basket with ONE York Peppermint Patty. (Things that make me go, "hmmmm...")
- BOD made up for #8/9 by making me HOMEMADE strawberry cupcakes (YUMYUMYUM!)
- Calls from all my fam and good friends
- Target gift card
- iTunes gift card
- Archiver's gift card
- Enchanted...Patrick Dempsey is h-o-t.
- Straight hair, and I didn't put any effort into it
- SWEET card from H...awwwwww.....that's my guy!
- Framed pic of J-ML taking a wicked slap-shot (YES on the right foot!!!)
- Gorgeous double ring silver necklace from TFNY'S (perdy, so perdy! LOVE the little blue boxes!)
- Dinner (Thai food-yummy) with good friends in Denver, and they live in WY!
- German Riesling x 2
- Juicy Juice (thanks, SV!)...Let it Bee, tee hee!
- St. Liberata (needed her Saturday night apparently!)
- Taking #23 out with me to be my wingman every time I party. She can be trusted. Some guys, not so much.
- Vodka/crans at the bar
- Blues/rock bands at the bar
- Dinner and drinks in Denver
- Card from my boss that says, "Wishes for a great day to a fool...no foolin'!" He's a funny guy!
- Basket of blooming perennial bulbs (my fav) from mama---to make up for #8/9? No! It was BOGO at the floral shop! No kidding.
- Gift card for a spa-pedi from my staff! And it's at my fav salon! They are awesome!
- Hearing my 8-yr old nephew sing, "Happy Birthday to you, you're a hundred and two, you look like a monkey and you live in a zoo...or maybe you smell like one too!"
- Didn't care for the 102 part in #31...he's 8, what does he know?
- Favorite work colleague singing to my voice mail box from her hospital bed, at the top of her lungs in her narcotic-induced state, at 3:15AM, "HAPPY, um, DAY, ah, BIRTHDAY, and...ah...oh, yeah, B-girl! Happy something, um...yes, right, HAPPY! HAPPY!" Don't panic. Narcotics are prescribed and necessary for horrific bike accident.
- No management meetings at work for one whole day. (Nearly as good as #3, but not quite. Need more of #1 to get through them.)
- Confirmation email from Nike...Team A-B is officially registered for the SanFran Women's Marathon. WOO HOO!!!
- Finding a gas station with gas for $3.06/gal! It was $3.19 most everywhere else.
- #36 was ON my way, not OUT of my way!
- Avs clinching a playoff berth with
- Peter the Great's first goal of the season!!!
Gift from my Ram: "You should find that people are more willing than ever to help you out with your various plans and projects, so don't be shy about asking! You may find that they're in need of some serious guidance, though."
Sleep Study v 2.1: if you only get a couple hours of sleep several nights in a row, it'll feel like you have a hangover without the fun the night before.