Sunday, May 4, 2008

You gotta have faith!

"I'm losing my faith in humanity."

Sometimes good guys do finish first.
The nice guy ends up with the nice girl.
Bad guys get what they deserve.
No animals die.
There's enough of everything to go around.
Life is fair.
There's plenty of creamer for the coffee.
I make the right choices.
We all get the sleep we need.
We all get the love we need.
I believe in happy endings. I do. But don't tell anyone. If there is no happy ending here, someone is in BIG FAT TROUBLE!
...or...we should make our own happy ending and call it a day.
" hell with humanity. I say, we take it. We just take it over for ourselves!"

1 comment:

GETkristiLOVE said...

I pray the GG never runs out... at least then, there can be a happy ending to every day.


Qween of movie quotes and random useless facts