Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Quotes I've heard and mumbled v.1

Me: "Wow, this drill is really hard."

Hockey Coach: "If it was easy it would be called basketball and everyone could do it. You can substitute the word soccer for basketball..."

Director I work with: "We don't even know what we don't know."
(I think she stole that from Bush.)

My accounting professor: "Now we strudy cawraraw ronds. Cawraraw ronds. Cawraraw ronds."
Me: {He could say it 100 times and I still wouldn't know what the hell he's talking about. As I glanced in the book I saw, "Callable bonds." OH! Now I get it!}

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ramblings of a Crazy Woman

    Did you know there is Butt in liquor? Seriously, this is a sign in a liquor store in the Frankfurt, Germany airport. I only drink vodka and I don't recall seeing Butt on the ingredient list. I wonder if it's a secret ingredient in ALL liquors, or just dark ones.
    Why can't I win the lottery? Oh, I don't actually play the lottery, aka Regressive Tax.

Why is there nothing good on TV? The only show I can stomach is Weeds and it's only 30 minutes of joy once a week for something like 6 episodes. You should watch it, if just to hear different musicians sing the theme song. Sometimes I sing the song in my head during really dreadful meetings at work, which is turning out to be every meeting these days.

  • Why do dogs get cancer? Doesn't seem fair somehow....

  • What if I'd turned right instead of left?

I'm thinking of entering an eco-challenge race....but I really hate blisters on my feet. My good friend AMM is a marathoner and we cruised around Boston a few years ago. I had no less than 12 blisters on my feet and they took forever to heal. Come to think of it...she did the same thing to me in NYC. I think I'd really like the eco-part but the blisters, not so much. I wonder if Band-Aid would sponsor my trip.


Qween of movie quotes and random useless facts