Sunday, August 24, 2008

Out with the Scoot...In with the Cruiser!

So after riding 36.6 miles all around Denver in the Urban Assault Ride (stay tuned), something donned on me...I can get anywhere I need to go, ON MY BIKE! Which means, free parking, no gas, no enviro impact, and an extra workout. Four great reasons to sell my sweet, sweet Scooter-Love and get me a cruiser.

I often do things out of order and with no patience for waiting, I skip to the fun part. "I hate waiting." True to form, I haven't sold my scooter yet, but I did get me a perdy new cruiser. Check it out!
This sweet ride is the Townie by Electra. It's the original "flat-foot" aluminium cruiser, meaning, when you sit on the seat, your feet are flat on the ground. It is a 21-speed haulin' ass machine! Sadly, the pix does not do the color justice. It's a magical, wondrous, shiny pearly purple. As quoted by some guy at the Walgreens yesterday, "Dude, I love your bike. It's like, candy apple purple. Way cool." My response, "Thanks, man."

And what does every girl need when she gets a shiny new cruiser??? A hip new helmet to sport! I certainly can't be wearing my Giro helmet that's built for speed when I'm cruising on my Townie. Right? Right!

This picture is for Coach. It's a little blurry, but it says on the back of it, "I LOVE MY BRAIN." Get it? Got it? Good!

The wire basket for the front and the streamers for the handle bars are on special order. Then it will be way tricked out!!!

Know anyone looking for a Piaggio LT50...low mileage...


Bug O' Death said...

Don't forget the bell... There is this guy on the Bear Creek Bike Path with the best bell I've heard!!!

GETkristiLOVE said...

Bug and I think Coach hurt his brain in that wreck... now it makes sense - the missed lessons and all the funny emails!

QweenB said...

GKL: He absolutely has a concussion from that accident but swears it only affects him when he tips his head back then looks to the side. Helmet-less Dumb Ass. Funny thing: he wears a helmet when he plays hockey, rides his mountain bike...hurling his body at 90mph on a motorcycle?? No need for a helmet, right? Dumb Ass.

Bug: I put my bell from the UAR on it already. Now I cruise through my neighborhood ring-a-ding-dinging all the way!!!


Qween of movie quotes and random useless facts