Friday, February 29, 2008

more ramblings...

I don't sleep much. I don't know why. I love sleep. I just don't seem to get much of it. Okay, I do know why. I get up early to play hockey or workout. Then I stay up late to play hockey in games that start at 11:45pm, or do laundry (sniffing included), or scrap, or just futz.

H and I went to see In Bruges a couple weeks ago. I was SO excited. Love Indies. Love the Irish accent, Scottish ones, too. But from the first two notes of the opening music I knew it was going to be trouble. And it was. It was dark: Tarantino-on-crack-killing-innocent-people-you-care-about dark. It did have one of my most favorite movie lines of all time, though. When asked if he likes it in Bruges, Collin Farrel's character says, "Well, if I was raised on a farm and was retarded, I might like it here. But I wasn't, and I'm, I don't." Just funny ass shit to me. But the precipitating act of them going to Bruges: not funny. And it just ends crazy.

Let me just get this out in the open. I'm a shopaholic. Well, I'm more of a collector of pretty things because I don't actually like to shop. I just like the end result of the shopping. If I could skip the traffic, parking, waiting in lines, dealing with dumb clerks, I'd like shopping. Don't think Internet shopping is the answer. I'm too impatient. I want it and I want it now. I like buying other people pretty things, too.

I'm also a procrastinator. I bought a great book that's supposed to help us stop procrastinating. Problem is, I never got around to reading it. It looks like a good book and would probably help, too.
I was really bitter to have to work on Leap Day. It's a free day for my employer. What a load of crap. I only get 7 paid holidays as it is and now I'm getting the same salary for 366 days as I get for 365 days. So I played hookey most of the day. I'll have to make up for it this weekend because like a good communist employer, the work must get done regardless of how many hours you've already put in.

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Qween of movie quotes and random useless facts