Sunday, April 6, 2008

Confusion and Morals

Saturday: "You are often the one who starts the ball rolling and today is no exception. Your spirit of adventure is fully engaged and you are eager for new experiences -- so see what kind of good trouble you can stir up!"

Sunday: "You need to stick it out through the current situation, no matter how much you want to cut and run. Your perseverance will pay off in the long run in a big, almost unimaginable, way."

I'm getting mixed signals from my dear, sweet Mr. Ram O'Confusion. I'll give you Saturday but Sunday? I don't think so. I am more of a cut-and-run gal, rather than a stick-it-out gal. By now, he should know that.

Ram: 4
B: 1

Moral dilemma. Moral imperative. What's the gold standard? Who's morals are we being judged against? If it's our own morals and we chose the path we think isn't immoral but it's immoral to others, how can it be deemed immoral? Who gets to judge? Just wondering.

"Life isn't simple, it's complicated. We're all just thrown in here together, in a world full of chaos and confusion, a world full of questions and no answers, death always lingering around the corner, and we do our best."

"To the death!"
"No, to the pain!"
"I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that one."
"I'll explain and I'll be sure to use small words so you can understand."

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