Monday, September 8, 2008

Convert to Skirt!

Addicted to the skirt? You be the judge.

I have been wearing sport skirts for about a year now. They are the MOST comfortable thing to wear...ANYTIME, ANYWHERE!! I wear them for everything. I've even worn them to work. (I'm certain they are in direct violation of our very strict dress code but some mornings after getting up at 3:30am and getting on the ice by 5:15, I just can't get myself into a suit.) [I also prefer to wear other skirts instead of pants...hips and thighs go better in skirts than pants. Even so, I think if you try the skirt, you will love it.] Does having 28 sport skirts classify as an addiction? 6 black. Three taupe. Six in shades of pink. One teal. Two blueberry. Is there a support group for this?? OH YES THERE IS! Read on, friends! (Outdoor Diva Sports is working on a story about my love of the skirt for their website. I'll keep you posted.)

Lo and behold, there is a woman who is more committed to the skirt than me. Hard to believe. But true. She started a company that makes all kinds of cool sport skirts. They cost a fortune so I'm guessing she's nearly a millionaire by now. The bulk of my collection was acquired off the clearance racks at Target and SportsAuth. She's from Boulder, CO. Not surprising. She also started a 5k race called the SkirtChaser where the women get skirts instead of race shirts. All the women start the run 3 minutes before the men and then the men go and, yes, chase the skirts.
I signed up for the run and convinced four of my friends to do the same; of which, only one of them was a runner. They are such great friends to come join me and wear a cute skirt, it didn't matter to them that they had to run 3.2 miles. "Do you run, Knight?" "Only when chased." Following my marathon training??? Read on. If not, you won't care about the rest of this crap. This is the first race in a LONG time that I didn't stop for a port-o-john. Not because I didn't have to...but because THERE WEREN'T ANY!!!! What the hell? Who has a race with 866 runners and NO port-o-johns???? Crazy. Maybe that's why I hurried to the finish in 26:13. Hmmmm...good strategy? No. Absolutely not. Not recommended. (I didn't eat bananas at all that day. Learned that painful lesson. I ate mostly plain oats. Nuts. Lots of water. An apple. Nothing too crazy. Still haven't quite figured it out. Only five weeks left. ARGH!!!!) Officially, I finished 126th out of 609 women and 192 out of 866 total runners. Rumor has it that when the men caught a skirt, they were supposed to slap it on the toockus. I didn't see, nor receive, any slapping. I take that personally! Why have the rule if you're not going to enforce it?!?!

1 comment:

Bug O' Death said...

Sorry you had to wait so long for me to get to the finish line... it didn't help that some guy literally pulled me up that damn hill and made me loose my pace and breath. It was a great race and a lot of fun. I'll train a little more for next year:)


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