Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This business will get out of control...

...it will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it.

This is my desk at work. WTF? How does it get this out of control? I don't even remember what's in those stacks o'crap. And I don't think I'm ever going to get to the bottom of it. In fact, I'm sure I won't. It just seems projects keep piling up and as I finish them more creep onto the piles...I have creeping piles. I wonder if an antibiotic would help. Maybe it's MRSA. Or bird flu. West Nile? Ugh...it just makes me want to vomit and then crawl into the fetal position and rock myself to sleep.

Try to find the following random articles of crap in my office:
  1. Thank You notes
  2. Bose speakers (okay, they are not crap, but they take up space on my desk)
  3. Shredder...it quit working a year ago but I was told I couldn't throw it in the trash...
  4. Small milk crates that my PC sits on
  5. Souvie glass from Pucktoberfest hockey tourney
  6. Picture of me & H
  7. Binder full of my Board finance reports
  8. Post-its, Post-its, and more Post-its reminding me of things I just must get done today
  9. Hydration to stave off dehydration from the 110 degree heat in my office
  10. Stack of requests that need my signature (this could apply to ANY of the stacks)

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