Saturday, March 1, 2008


I am addicted to Frank Warren's website People send in their secrets on postcards (yes, via snailmail) and he posts them on his website. Every Sunday they change and every week I see at least three that I could have sent in. I'm tempted. (I've got secrets I'm just itchin' to tell but not even to my best friends. It makes me feel almost evil and devious to keep the secrets and I like it. I thrive in it. But, I want to tell strangers for some reason.)

This week I just couldn't resist this one. It is SO true. Why do I want to be friends with my lame coworkers? Not all my coworkers and lame, but the majority, well....

And the culture at my employer is such that they believe, nay, impart their belief that we MUST have a best friend at work. Hey, I have best friends and they don't need to be people I work with. I like to keep my work life separate from my home life. Mainly because I live two lives, at least. Maybe more. I should change my name to Eve.

Frank has four books published of the postcards he's received. Go to B&N (or any big chain store, not the fabulous independents) and peruse them. Buy them from the independents...use the chains like a library but don't give them your $$$.


Bug O' Death said...

You mean there are more secrets than lying naked in the salad bar???

QweenB said...



Qween of movie quotes and random useless facts