Sunday, March 23, 2008

My Ram is a scolding ram! Baaaaaaaaa!!!

"You've got needs -- but so does everybody else! It's one of those days in which you can get a lot farther by smiling and asking how people are doing than by simply reaching for whatever you want." Especially if you come home at 3:50am and the question is posed, "Where ya been? Bars close at 2:00." Not ALL bars close at 2:00...and what if I'm just a selfish bitch? Then my needs would come first, right? I should have read that damn horoscope when it reared its ugly head in my inbox at 11:40pm last night! What good is a horoscope if you read it 16 hours after the fact???
So I cooked a lovely dinner of homemade pasties. It's a two hour ordeal but worth it, I find!
"There are many perfectly nice cats in the world, but every barrel has its bad apples, and it is well to heed the old adage, "Beware the bad cat bearing a grudge.."" That'll do pig, that'll do...


GETkristiLOVE said...

Baa-ram-ewe, baa-ram-ewe. To your breed, your fleece, your clan, be true. Sheep be true. Baa-ram-ewe.

That's sheep talk for "sorry I kept you out so late."

QweenB said...

Hey, I BEGGED you to go, remember? I'm a big girl. Gotta take the consequences of my actions...
"If they still won't behave, bite 'em, HARD!"


Qween of movie quotes and random useless facts